Mutes a member for a certain amout of time.
A member gets muted by adding the muterole, you can set one using the setup command (info here) if none has been setted a default one will be created.
The member variable might be anyone in the server, you can specify a user using its id, by mention or using the format username#0000.
In the time variable you can specify an amout of time in witch the bot is going to leave the muterole to the member. You can specify a time in minutes, hours, days. es. 10m / 4h / 7d
The reason variable is going to be written in the mute dm and in the log message, this can also be empty, in that case a default one will be used.
This action is going to send a dm to the muted user and a log in the channel setted for mutes, more info on log channels here.
Mutes show up on the userinfo command and can only be removed using the unmute command while the user still has the muterole.
UnMutes a member removing the muterole.
The member variable might be anyone in the server, you can specify a user using its id, by mention or using the format username#0000.
The reason variable is going to be written in the log message, this can also be empty, in that case a default one will be used.
This action is going to send a dm to the member and a log in the channel setted for mutes, more info on log channels here.
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