Last Update - 1.2.1

More informations about the last update released!

This update has been done in preparation for halloween!

New Features

  • We've modified our user join/leave images to be more spooky.

  • The serverinfo command now has a more discord-friendly.

  • Embeds now match the color of the bot's higher role.


  • %say command doesn't let people mention @here and @everyone anymore.

  • if a role is mentioned in the %say command the bot will check if it is higher than the one of the user witch used it and if the user has the mention roles permission in that channel.


  • We removed the multiban command due to its low use case and due to the fact that it was too difficult to be used, we might add its features in the future integrating them with the ban command.

  • Reaction command has been removed, reaction that had altready been setted will continue to work and the delreaction command is still working.

  • Trello command has been removed, we will be adding a links command in the near future.

Last updated