Previus versions

All the logs from the previus versions.

v. 1.2.0 - 28/09/2020

New Features

  • Lots of developer-side features that will help to give support to users.

  • Now you can simply mention @Spike in a server to get its custom prefix.

  • You are now able to use a space after the prefix (es. % help)

  • We upgraded the image feature for %say and %say embed

  • We removed %chsay and %chsay embed commands

  • Now errors are smaller in the chats

  • Now you can create a default muterole from the %setup muterole command


  • Now clearing lots of messages using the %clear command will take more time, but it will not make the bot lag

  • We fixed some bugs related to the fact that sometimes the bot couldn't find users outside from the server

  • There was a translation error, lenguage was used on the place of language, now it has been fixed

  • More administrator checks added for the command %setup

In this update we've also added more bugs to be fixed in the future 😅

v. 1.1.3 - 13/09/2020


  • When banning a member two logs were sent.

  • Bot is now sending again welcome messages. Before it was only sending the goodbye ones.


  • Userinfo lite command added, a command which is accessible to every member, but doesn't send moderation-related info.

  • prefix command has been improved.

Last updated