Start Guide
A quick guide to learn the basic commands!
You just added Spike to your server and you want to know the basic commands? Here is a quick guide to setup our bot! Check out the full documentation to know more about every command.
Custom Prefix
To get the curret bot's prefix for the guild, mention @Spike#5893 in any channel (the message has to only contain the mention)
To change the prefix of Spike in your server you can use the command %prefix [new prefix]
, you can specify every prefix that you like, it just has to be shorter than three characters.
More info about this command here.
Setup Command
Use the command %setup language [en/it]
, you can choose between the englis and italian lenguages, only those two commands are supported as of today. The default lenguage is the english one.
More info about this command here.
Using this command you can set either different channels or a sigle one for the bot's logs when a ban, kick, mute or warn occurs. More info about this command here.
Use the command %setup banappeal [link]
, you can set a link to be sent to the member when he gets baned from the server. To keep our bot safe only links starting with:
are allowed to be used.
More info about this command here.
Last updated
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