

Warns a member.

%warn [member] [reason]

The member variable might be anyone in the server, you can specify a user using its id, by mention or using the format username#0000.‌

The reason variable is going to be written in the warn dm and in the log message, this can also be empty, in that case a default one will be used.

This action is going to send a dm to the warned user and a log in the channel setted for warns, more info on log channels here.

Warns show up on the userinfo command and can be removed using the unwarn command.


UnMutes a member removing the muterole.

%unwarn [member] [reason] 

The member variable might be anyone in the server, you can specify a user using its id, by mention or using the format username#0000.‌

The reason variable is going to be written in the log message, this can also be empty, in that case a default one will be used.

This action is going to send a dm to the member and a log in the channel setted for warns, more info on log channels here.

Last updated